Publications & Consultancies


1 Assessment of Peace and Conflict Dynamics in Pastoralist Regions of Kenya.
2 Assessment of Electoral Peace and Conflict Dynamics in Hotspot Counties in Kenya.
3 A Study Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Peace and Security in Kenya_The Case of Nairobi Metropolitan Area
4 Tackling the Illicit Trade and Diversion of Arms and Ammunition into and within Africa_The Role of China_Africa Cooperation
5 Natural Resource Governance and Management of Emerging Conflicts Arising from Extractive Industries_A Case of Kitui, Kwale and Turkana Counties
6 The Status of Peace and Economic Impacts of Conflict in Kenya_A Case on Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu Counties.2018
7 Availability and Misuse of SALW in Commission of Crime in Kenya's Urban Cities and Town.2015
8 The Impact of Illicit Alcohol Consumption on Commission of Crime in Central Kenya (Nyeri, Kiambu & Murang'a).2015
9 Motor Vehicle Crime in Major Towns and Cities_An Analysis of the Trends, Prevalence and Impact in Kenya.2014
10 A study of crime in urban slums in Kenya: The case of Kibra, Bondeni, Manyatta and Mishomoroni slums, 2014.
11 Nairobi Metropolitan Area: Annual Crime Observatory Report 2012/2013.
12 Nairobi Regional Annual Crime Observatory Report 2011/2012.
13 "Modules for a training Curriculum on Community based Policing in Kenya" (Volume 1, 2004).
14 "Crime Trends and Typologies in Kenya" - 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 Editions, culminating in the publication of three widely acclaimed and extensively quoted annual "Kenya Crime Survey" series for the four-year project duration.
a Crime Trends and Typologies in Kenya - 2001 Edition.
b Crime Trends and Typologies in Kenya - 2002 Edition.
15 Terrorized Citizens: Proofing Small Arms and Insecurity in the North Rift of Kenya.
16 Peace,Security and Development: An Agenda for the North Rift Region of Kenya.
17 Private Security in Kenya
18 The Reform Process in Kenya: A survey of Citizens Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions of the Reform Process.
19 The Northern Frontier: Nature and Dynamics of Conflict in Marsabit County.
20 Power Play and Policy in Kenya: An Interdisciplinary Discourse
21 Report on Impact of Conflict in Turkana West Pokot
22 Role of NPR in Security Management in the Context of Devolved Governance


SRIC has been contracted by various organizations to undertake short and long term research projects as well as capacity building activities, the major ones of which are highlighted here-below.

  1. Involved in Conflict Analysis titled: "Conflict dynamics in Isiolo, Samburu East and Marsabit South districts of Kenya". This report was published by UNDP under- Amani Papers: Volume 1 No.3 June 2010.
  2. National mapping on the extent of the proliferation and misuse of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) and subsequent development of National Action Plans (NAPs) for Tanzania (2001), Uganda (2003), Kenya (2004, 2011), Burundi (2005), Rwanda (2006) through the Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA).
  3. Kenya Police: Specialized Training for Diplomatic, Tourist and Airport Police Units (2007). This was a Governance, Justice, Law and Order Sector (GJLOS) Reforms Programme.
  4. Development of the "The Kenya Police Reforms Framework" (2005).
  5. Technical assistance in the formulation and development of the Kenya Peacebuilding & Small Arms Draft Policy documents - NSC and KNFP
  6. Establishment and training of District Peace Committees - NSC
  7. Establishment and training of Provincial Task Forces - KNFP
  8. Formulation of National Action Plans (NAPs)on SALWs for Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda